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Юнифайд Школы Чемпионов Специальной Олимпиады®
Ты с нами? Поклонник достоинства? Принятие? За человечность всех людей, независимо от способностей или инвалидности? Если это так, то вам пора присоединиться к нашей сети студентов колледжей и университетов, поддерживающих Специальную Олимпиаду.
Создайте Сообщество Принятия и Уважения в вашем кампусе
Клубы Колледжей Специальной Олимпиады функционируют в качестве официального клуба в кампусе и объединяют студентов и лиц с ограниченными интеллектуальными возможностями посредством спорта, чтобы установить дружеские отношения и помочь возглавить движение за социальную справедливость Специальной Олимпиады.

Специальные олимпийские программы Клуба колледжа состоят из трех основных элементов: Юнифайд Спорт, Молодежное лидерство и возможности для полноценного участия в кампусе.

Вместе эти компоненты могут помочь учащимся работать с атлетами Специальной Олимпиады, чтобы помочь превратить школьные кампусы в сообщества признания и уважения. Ниже приведены примеры того, как эти компоненты могут работать в вашей школе.
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Найти студенческий клуб и объединенную спортивную интрамаралу
Клубы Колледжей Специальной Олимпиады
Special Olympics College Clubs function as an official student organization on campus and are led by students with and without intellectual disabilities. Many clubs also allow Special Olympics athletes from the community as members. Members of a Special Olympics College Club gain experience participating in Unified Sports and hosting Special Olympics events thus creating meaningful inclusion of people with and without intellectual disabilities in the campus community.
Special Olympics Unified Sports® Intramurals
In partnership with NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation, hundreds of colleges are providing Special Olympics Unified Sports intramural leagues on campus. These leagues are inspired by a simple principle: training, playing and competing together is a quick path to friendship, understanding and meaningful inclusion. These leagues welcome student partners and Special Olympics athletes at any level of skill or experience.
NCAA Division III Partnership
Through Special Olympics events and competitions, NCAA Division III student-athletes are encouraged to engage and learn from Special Olympics athletes. This promotes citizenship and creates a comprehensive learning experience between the two groups.
NAIA Collaboration
Through an official collaboration, Special Olympics supports the National Association of Intercollegiate Athletics (NAIA) and its Champions of Character® program for over 65,000 NAIA student-athletes. The student-athletes and Special Olympics athletes are able to interact, connect and build friendships through participation in existing Special Olympics events and initiatives or by the creation of new initiatives.
American Academy of Development Medicine and Dentistry Student/Resident Committees
American Academy of Development Medicine and Dentistry Student/Resident Committees function as official clubs on campus to promote a community of students/residents in medical and dental school who are interested in serving individuals with intellectual disabilities. They provide opportunities for education, leadership and growth within the field as well as mentoring opportunities with AADMD physicians/dentists for guidance. These student/residents also create community projects and advocate for individuals with intellectual disabilities within the health field. Apply today to create a chapter on your campus. Contact AADMD with any questions.
Greek Life
Many fraternities and sororities across the country donate their time, resources, and money to the Special Olympics movement. These fraternities and sororities host events/fundraisers, coach, volunteer, and bring awareness on their campuses. In fact three Greek organizations have chosen Special Olympics as their national philanthropy: Sigma Tau Gamma, Phi Sigma Kappa, Alpha Sigma Alpha and Alpha Phi Omega.
Contact Us
Are you ready to make your college campus a more inclusive place? Contact us today at socollege@specialolympics.org.